Kamis, 09 Juni 2011

History of LURIK...

Various findings indicate that the history of LURIK woven fabric already exist in Java since prehistoric times. This is evident in the stele remains Mataram kingdom (851-882 AD), which indicates the existence of  lurik pakan malang. Inscription of King Erland East Java in 1033 which states that the fabric of tuluh watu is one of the name of lurik. And also the use of scarves in terracotta statues from Trowulan in East Java from the 15th century AD show the use of lurik at the time.

Regional distribution of Lurik is in Yogyakarta, Solo and Tuban. Lurik derived from an ancient Javanese language lorek meaning lane or line, can also mean striped pattern. Lurik basically has 3 basic motive, namely:
1) motif lajuran with long lines in the direction of a piece of cloth

2) motif pakan malang with lines in the direction of width of fabric,

3) motif cacahan with a motif chopped into small pieces.

In antiquity, lurik wovened using cotton yarn that woven by hand and woven into a piece of cloth with a tool called Gedog, this tool produces fabric with a width of just 60cm. Along with the development of the era, lurik began to be produced using ATBM (Alat Tenun Bukan Mesin / Non-mechanical Woven Machine), a more modern and can produce fabrics with a width of 150cm. The process of spinning of cotton cloth has been done in modern, that is using the machine. One of the core that makes a fabric called lurik is the use of cotton yarn, resulting in a unique texture on this fabric. 
Lurik is one of Indonesia's traditional culture that always be concern by the people. This is our pride for our next generation, so make sure that lurik is already be host in our country.

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